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黄 鹂







n 教师简介


黄鹂博士于2021年6月毕业于电子科技大学计算机学院 (硕博连读)。近年来在国际知名会议期刊上高水平学术论文20余篇,包括IJCAI、EMNLP、TCYB、TIST、NN、KBS、ACM SIGSPATIAL等,授权发明专利10余项。主持主研多项国家自然科学基金项目、科技部重大专项、四川省自然学基金项目、四川省科技厅中央引导地方自由探索项目、成都市“揭榜挂帅”项目及校级研究型项目,担任多个国际领域会议及期刊审稿人,如KBS、PR、NN、ESWA、ACL、EMNLP、KDD 、ECAI、ICASSP、ICME、ACM SIGSPATIAL等。2023年获得国际会议KSEM唯一最佳论文奖。



n 研究领域


n 讲授课程



n 研究成果


[1]. Haoran Li(大三本科生), Oiang Gao, HongmeiWu, Li Huang*. “Advancing Event Causality Identification via Heuristic Semantic Dependency Inguiry Network”, The 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP main). (NLP顶会)

[2]. Qiang Gao, Zizheng Wang, Li Huang*, Goce Trajcevski, Kunpeng Zhang, and Xueqin Chen. "Enhancing Dependency Dynamics in Traffic Flow Forecasting via Graph Risk Bootstrap ", The 32nd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL 2024). (GIS顶会)

[3]. Li Huang, Pei Li, Qiang Gao, Guisong Liu, Zhipeng Luo, and Tianrui Li. "Diffusion Probabilistic Model for Bike-sharing Demand Recovery with Factual Knowledge Fusion", Neural Networks, 2024. (SCI一区 Top)

[4]. Qiang Gao, Xinzhu Zhou, Li Huang, Kunpeng Zhang, Siyuan Liu, and Fan Zhou. "Relational Fusion-based Stock Selection with Neural Recursive Ordinary Differential Equation Networks", Information Fusion, 2024. (SCI一区 Top)

[5]. Qiang Gao, Xiaolong Song, Li Huang*, Goce Trajcevski, Fan Zhou, and Xueqin Chen. "Enhancing Fine-Grained Urban Flow Inference via Incremental Neural Operator", The 33rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-24). (CCF A)

[6]. Qiang Gao, Xiaohan Wang, Chaoran Liu, Goce Trajcevski, Li Huang, Fan Zhou. "Open Anomalous Trajectory Recognition via Probabilistic Metric Learning", The 32nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2023. (CCF A)

[7]. Li Huang, Kai Liu, Chaoran Liu, Qiang Gao, Xiao Zhou, and Guisong Liu "HBay: Predicting Human Mobility via Hyperspherical Bayesian Learning", The 16th International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management (KSEM), 2023. (CCF C,唯一最佳论文)

[8]. Qiang Gao, Hongzhu Fu, Yutao Wei, Li Huang*, Xingmin Liu, and Guisong Liu. "Spatial-Temporal Diffusion Probabilistic Learning for Crime Prediction", The 16th International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management (KSEM), 2023. (CCF C)

[9]. Li Huang, Hongmei Wu, Qiang Gao, and Guisong Liu, "Attention Localness in Shared Encoder-Decoder Model for Text Summarization", IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2023. (CCF B,信号处理顶会)

[10]. Xin Yang, Metoh Adler LOUA, Meijun Wu, Li Huang, Qiang Gao. "Multi-granularity Stock Prediction with Sequential Three-way Decisions", Information Sciences, 2023. (SCI一区)

[11]. Qiang Gao, Wei Wang, Li Huang, Xin Yang, Tianrui Li, and Hamido Fujita. "Dual-grained Human Mobility Learning for Location-aware Trip Recommendation with Spatial-temporal Graph Knowledge Fusion", Information Fusion, 2023. (SCI一区)

[12]. 刘贵松,郑余,解修蕊,黄鹂,丁浩伦。基于损失预测的双主动域适应算法研究。计算机学报2023. (中文 T1)

[13]. Li Huang, Wenyu Chen, Youguo Liu, Shuai Hou, Hong Qu. “Summarization with Self-Aware Context Selecting Mechanism.” IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2022. (SCI一区 Top)

[14]. Rubungo Andre Niyongabo, Hong Qu, Julia Kreutzer, Li Huang. “KINNEWS and KIRNEWS: Benchmarking Cross-Lingual Text Classification for Kinyarwanda and Kirundi.” In 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING),  2020. (CCF BNLP顶会)

[15]. Li Zhou, Tingyu Wang, Hong Qu, Li Huang, Yuguo Liu. “A weighted GCN with Logical Adjacency Matrix for Relation Extraction.” In 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), 2020. (CCF B)

[16]. Mingsheng Fu, Hong Qu, Li Huang, Li Lu. “Bag of meta-words: A novel method to represent document for the sentiment classification.” Expert Systems with Applications, 2018. (SCI一区)

[17]. Xiaomin Zhang, Li Huang, Hong Qu. “AHNN: An Attention-Based Hybrid Neural Network for Sentence Modeling.” In Natural Language Processing and Chinese Computing (NLPCC), 2017. (CCF C)


[1]. 光华英才工程-青年教师成长计划项目,2022-2024,在研,主持

[2]. 四川省科技厅中央引导地方自由探索项目,No.2023ZYD0145,时空语义理解可解释机理研究,2023-72025-7,在研,主研

[3]. 成都市揭榜挂帅项目,No.2023ZYD0145,面向科技金融的人工智能评价系统开发及应用示范,2023-112025-11,在研,主研

[4]. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于脉冲编码的类脑联邦学习方法研究,2024-01-012027-12-31,在研,主研

[5]. 四川省重点研发计划,类脑智能芯片低功耗学习方法研究, 2022-12023-12, 结题,主研

[6]. 西南财经大学引进人才科研启动资助项目(重点项目),深度学习方法在方面级情感分析任务上的研究与应用2022-12022-12,结题,主持

[7]. 国家科学技术部,重点研发计划,2018AAA00202,神经元和模块功能特异化研究,2019.12-2023.12结项,主研

[8]. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,自适应人工智能在线教育关键技术研究2019-012022-12结题,主研

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