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School of Computing,

Queen’s University




陈远筑,现任加拿大女王大学计算学院教授(终身)、博导、本科教学主管。培养研究生博士生60余名,撰写学术论文100余篇。荣获2018年President’s Award for Distinguished Teaching,纪念大学最高成就奖,纪念大学第一位获得该殊荣的非英语母语的教授。












博士, 加拿大西门菲莎大学,计算机科学学院,1999年9月到2004年8月

  • 博士论文题目:弱连通支配集与移动无线自主网聚类

  • 指导老师:Arthur L. Liestman教授


  • 科研项目:中文语句分析平台

  • 指导老师:Ke Xu教授









美国达特茅斯医学院,计算遗传学实验室客座教授, 2011年6月到2012年8月


计算机科学学院博士后研究员,加拿大西门菲莎大学, 由Jiangchuan Liu教授和Arthur L. Liestman教授共同指导,2004年9月到2005年5月


[1] Zhihao Dong, Yuanzhu Chen, Terrence Tricco, Cheng Li, and Ting Hu. Ego-Aware Graph Neural Network. To appear in IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering

[2] Yuhui Song, Zijun Gong, Yuanzhu Chen, and Cheng Li. Tensor-Based Sparse Bayesian Learning with Intra-Dimension Correlation. In IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 71:31-46, 2023

[3] Hua Zhang, Yuanzhu Chen, Wei Rong, Jun Wang, and Jinghua Tan. Effect of social media rumors on stock market volatility: A case of data mining in China. In Frontiers in Physics, August 2022.

[4] Ali M. S. Alfosool, Yuanzhu Chen, and Daniel Fuller. ALF-Score - A novel approach to build a predictive network-based walkability scoring system. In PLOS One, June 2022.

[5] Yuhui Song, Zijun Gong, Yuanzhu Chen, and Cheng Li. Efficient Channel Estimation for Wideband Millimeter Wave Massive MIMO Systems with Beam Squint. In IEEE Transactions on Communications, 70(5):3421-3435, 2022

[6] Qiao Kang, Xing Song, Xiaying Xin, Bing Chen, Yuanzhu Chen, Xudong Ye, and Baiyu Zhang. Machine Learning-Aided Causal Inference Framework for Environmental Data Analysis: A COVID-19 Case Study. In Environmental Science and Technology, 55(19):13400-13410, 2021

[7] Zhihao Dong, Yuanzhu Chen, Terrence S. Tricco, Cheng Li, and Ting Hu. Hunting for vital nodes in complex networks using local information. In Scientific Reports, April 2021.

[8] Ruoyu Su, Zijun Gong, Dengyin Zhang, Cheng Li, Yuanzhu Chen, and R. Venkatesan. An Adaptive Asynchronous Wake-up Scheme for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks using Deep Reinforcement Learning. In IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 70(2):1851-1865, February 2021.

[9] Somayeh Kafaie, Yuanzhu Chen, and Ting Hu. A network approach to prioritizing susceptibility genes for genome-wide association studies. In Genetic Epidemiology, 43(5):477-491, July 2019.

[10] Jun Wang, Zhilong Xie, Qing Li, Jinghua Tan, Rong Xing, Yuanzhu Chen, and Fengyun Wu. Effect of Digitalized Rumor Clarification on Stock Markets. In Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 55(2):450- 474, 2019.

[11] Chen Zhang, Cheng Li, and Yuanzhu Chen. Joint Opportunistic Routing and Intra-Flow Network Coding in Multi-Hop Wireless Networks: A Survey. In IEEE Network Magazine 33(1):113-119, Jan/Feb 2019.

[12] Somayeh Kafaie, Yuanzhu Chen, Octavia Dobre, and Mohamed Hossam Ahmed. Joint inter-flow net- work coding and opportunistic routing in multi-hop wireless mesh networks: a comprehensive survey. In IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, 20(2):1014-1035, September 2018.

[13] Wasiq Waqar, Yuanzhu Chen, and Andrew Vardy. Smartphone positioning in sparse Wi-Fi environ- ments. In Computer Communications, 73(A):108-117, January 2016.

[14] Qing Li, Yuanzhu Chen, Li Ling Jiang, Ping Li, and Hsinchun Chen. A tensor-based information frame- work for predicting the stock market. In ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 34(2), Feb 2016.

[15] Yuanzhu Chen, Xu Liu, Jiafen Liu, Walter Taylor, and Jason H. Moore. Delay-tolerant networks and network coding: comparative studies on simulated and real-device experiments. In Computer Networks, 83:349-362, June 2015.

[16] Zehua Wang, Yuanzhu Chen, and Cheng Li. CORMAN: a novel cooperative opportunistic routing scheme in mobile ad hoc networks. In IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), 30(2):289-296, February 2012.

[17] Jian Zhang, Yuanzhu Chen, and Ivan Marsic. MAC-layer proactive mixing for network coding in multi-hop wireless networks. In Computer Networks, 54(2):196-207, 2010.

[18] Qing Li and Yuanzhu Chen. Personalized text snippet extraction using statistical language models. In Pattern Recognition, 43(1):378-386, January 2010.

[19] Yuanzhu Chen, Jian Zhang, and Ivan Marsic. Link-layer-and-above diversity in multi-hop wireless net- works. In IEEE Communications Magazine, 47(2):118-124, February 2009.

[20] Yuanzhu Chen and Arthur L. Liestman. Maintaining weakly-connected dominating sets for clustering ad hoc networks. In Ad Hoc Networks, 3(5):629-642, September 2005.


[1] Mitacs Accelerate Fellowship: State of Health Estimation with Federated Learning for Battery-Based Energy Storage Systems. $45,000. Principal Supervisor of PhD student Xu Wang, 2022.

[2] Faculty of Arts and Science Infrastructure Fund: DeepPacketFusion – a Testbed for Future Computer Networking Research. $250,000, 2021.

[3] Faculty of Arts and Science Research Initiation Grant: Exploring Machine-Mediated Social Mesh – a Network Science Perspective. $70,000, 2021.

[4] National Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Discovery Grant: Exploring Machine- Mediated Social Interaction Mesh from a Network Science Perspective. Principal Investigator. $156,000, 2017-2023

[5] National Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Engage: Energy in the Cloud. Principal Investigator. $22,500, 2019-2020

[6] National Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Discovery Grant: Exploration and Utiliza- tion of the Broadcast Nature of Multi-Hop Wireless Networks at the Link and Network Layers. Principal Investigator. $75,000, 2010-2014


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